Friday, 10 June 2011

Give me patience

What do I want?
When do I want it?

Now, I do have a lot of patience but that doesn't make me a patient patient.
Please pay attention because I may be asking questions later.
Or not.
By the way, if you've heard this tale of woe stop reading now.
At the end of January I tripped over a kerb stone in the car park of a local supermarket and in trying to break my fall I put my right arm out to brace myself against a bollard.
This caused enormous damage to my ego as I crashed to the ground using my left knee as a cushion between my body and the floor.
The next day I was in A and E getting checked out and I was booked in for an MRI scan. I did not enjoy that experience much but it had to be done and on February 23rd just a month after my fall I spent 25 claustrophobic minutes in a round chamber with Neil Diamond. How they got both of us in there I will never know.
The report from the MRI scan came through a couple of weeks later when my doctor accessed the hospital computer and printed it out.
Here it is, and this is where your patience will be tested:

There is a large rotator cuff tear involving the supra spinatous, subscapularis and superior part of the infra spinatous with almost 4cm tendon retraction and severe supra and infra spinatous muscle atrophy. The biceps tendon is subluxed medially,outside the bicepital groove. There is narrowing of the subacromial space secondary to a large rotator cuff tear with some irregularity over the greater tuberosity.

And so it goes on.
It was decided that the damage would not repair itself and so I was booked in for surgery as a matter of URGENCY.
That was on March 26th. In the intervening months I have risen up to number 39 in the waiting list and have been given the hope that I may have my operation around September (this year)
So now I have a left hand  arm which is getting to be my arm of choice for most tasks and I have a right hand arm which, like rest of me is decorative rather than functional.
Still, mustn't grumble.

God bless   xx

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